COUDES: Supplementary Data
You will find on this page some supplementary information about COUDES:
Databases: list of chains
Find here the list of chains for the:
- database of 426 chains: click here
- database of 547 chains: click here
- database of 823 chains: click here
Find here the propensities calculated from the:
- database of 426 chains using:
- database of 547 chains using:
- database of 823 chains using:
Coudes accuracy
Here is the global accuracy of COUDES prediction calculated on a seven-fold cross validation on the database PROM426:
| Qtotal (%)
| Qobs (%)
| Qpred (%)
turn / non turn
| 0.42
| 74.8
| 69.9
| 48.8
type I
| 0.31
| 84.5
| 50.0
| 30.8
type II
| 0.30
| 91.0
| 52.8
| 22.2
type VIII
| 0.07
| 90.7
| 18.7
| 6.9
type I'
| 0.23
| 94.4
| 51.8
| 11.6
type II'
| 0.11
| 94.6
| 32.8
| 4.6
type IV
| 0.11
| 84.9
| 17.7
| 20.7
- MCC = Matthews Correlation Coefficient
- Qtotal = percentage of correct prediction
- Qobs = fraction of residues observed in beta-turn that are correctly predicted
- Qpred = fraction of residues predicted in beta-turn that are correct
For further details, please see Fuchs & Alix, Proteins (2005), in press.
Supplementary figures
You will find here the supplementary figures related to COUDES article [Fuchs 2005] :
- Supplementary Figure 1: ROC curves of COUDES (with or without secondary structure information, and with or without PSSM) with fixed m and PSIthreshold. Each plot has been obtained by varying Sthreshold but with m=4 and PSIthreshold=0 (see Kaur & Raghava (Protein Science, 2003) for a definition of sensitivity and specificity).
- Supplementary Figure 2: ROC curves of COUDES (with or without secondary structure information, and with or without PSSM) whatever the value of m and PSIthreshold.
The red plots were obtained by varying Sthreshold, m and PSIthreshold. The black plots were obtained by varying Sthreshold but with fixed m and PSIthreshold. (m=4 and PSIthreshold=0, like in supplementary figure 1).
- Fuchs PFJ, Alix AJP (2005). High accuracy prediction of beta-turns and their types using propensities and multiple alignments. Proteins, in press.
- Kaur H, Raghava GP (2003). A neural-network based method for prediction of gamma-turns in proteins from multiple sequence alignment. Protein Sci., 12, 627-634.
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