Chercher Où Une Deviation Existe Sûrement.

COUDES: Supplementary Data

You will find on this page some supplementary information about COUDES:

Databases: list of chains

Find here the list of chains for the:

  1. database of 426 chains: click here
  2. database of 547 chains: click here
  3. database of 823 chains: click here


Find here the propensities calculated from the:

  1. database of 426 chains using:
  2. database of 547 chains using:
  3. database of 823 chains using:

Coudes accuracy

Here is the global accuracy of COUDES prediction calculated on a seven-fold cross validation on the database PROM426:

MCC Qtotal (%) Qobs (%) Qpred (%)
turn / non turn 0.42 74.8 69.9 48.8
type I 0.31 84.5 50.0 30.8
type II 0.30 91.0 52.8 22.2
type VIII 0.07 90.7 18.7 6.9
type I' 0.23 94.4 51.8 11.6
type II' 0.11 94.6 32.8 4.6
type IV 0.11 84.9 17.7 20.7

  1. MCC = Matthews Correlation Coefficient
  2. Qtotal = percentage of correct prediction
  3. Qobs = fraction of residues observed in beta-turn that are correctly predicted
  4. Qpred = fraction of residues predicted in beta-turn that are correct

For further details, please see Fuchs & Alix, Proteins (2005), in press.

Supplementary figures

You will find here the supplementary figures related to COUDES article [Fuchs 2005] :
