User have the possibility to upload an additional sub-title file. The specificity of the file format is as follow. The first field define between bracket the starting and endind frame (separate by a blanck space " ") which will displayed the string defined in the second field. If there is no frame definition for a particular segment, there will be nothing displayed. Here is an example for a 15 frames animation:
[1 1] frame 1
[2 2] frame 2
[3 6] frames 3 to 6
[10 15] example of sub-title (frames 10 to 15)
Note: Nothing is define for frame 7 to 9, thus no sub-title will appears for theses frames.
-Title : CRAMBIN utopia black size 34
-SubTitle : sub.txt Oblique utopia brown size 24
-Representation:backbone BallnSticks
colored by Atom
-Scene: default
-Picture: t_spheresky2 gif 500x500
-Animation: Xrot 15 frames
-Option : Light SkySpot