PDB part extraction

This tool is to extract one part of a (protein) PDB file.
It will return a PDB corresponding to a sub part of the original file.

To select parts of the input PDB file, you have to specify a maskbelow. PDBpart assumes that the mask makes a correspondance between residues and consecutive letters of the mask (could be the protein sequence).
As result, only residues matching uppercase characters of the mask are selected and returned.

Select a file (.pdb)

or enter a PDB Id   (ex: 1tim, 1timA)
Selection mask :
The mask can be any string of length up to that of the PDB file.
A mapping is made between the characters and the residues of the file, not considering chain breaks or so:
PDB is considered as a vector of residues mapped to the mask.
All the lines of the selection mask are concatenated.
The first character of the string will match the first residue of the PDB file.

Residues associated with uppercase (resp. lowercase) characters will be preserved (resp. ignored).
Only letters [a..z, A..Z] are considered. Using other characters such as digits will result in incorrect mapping.
A tool to facilitate the mask generation can be accessed here.